Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Dirty Picture
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Big Five years......
When I get this question inside I just went thru my entire five years of journey in corporate.
It was amazing and challenging.
When we attended the interviews in college and when they asked what you want to be after five years definitely I don’t had a clue that time.
But all went well in the last five years by God’s grace.
I started in Berger Paints along with my classmates and I don’t know if I missed someone here, if so sorry.
Amazing start with a bunch of experienced senior fellas in the office and never expected kind of job.
My career started as a Sales Representative and now a Regional Manager.
The journey got a lot of ups and downs but believed in the theory “Survival of the fittest” and it worked for me. Always tried to be the fittest to survive among competition.
A walkthrough as below,
Year 1 : Realization of the corporate world. MBA is not all about the white collar job If you are not an IIM
Year 2 : The break through. All new challenge. The lone warrior in the market
Year 3 : MBA paid back making me an Assistant Manager
Year 4 : Manager on a Regional role
Year 5 : Regional Manager – South & West
Year 6 : Journey continues……..
Dream big and sky is always the limit……
So guys where you find yourself after ten years?.
LOL that’s a funny question to answer now.
Forget the yesterdays
Live today at the moment
And tomorrow – Lets see when it is tomorrow..
Cheers my friends and all the best..!!!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Traveller on move
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Let your thoughts wander around...
I feel its better in the second way. Let the thought wander around. Why we need to take the world so set, lets take the world which is moulded in the shape what we need to..
When you leave your thoughts to wander you feel weightless as in the space. it can go any direction hit somewhere bounce back and find a new direction to move around. Writing all this i know i have my own crappy thinking inside and that only forcing me to write it here.. LOL
Whenever i tried to hold my thinking i faced a lotta trouble and whenever i left it to go its own felt so easy and good. why to carry the burden of that stupid thinking.
Let your thoughts wander around.. just to make yourself happy and easy..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Question to Life
i was thinking of a subject to write and got it a question to life... i dont know why it came to my mind now but just a topic. No relevent points to quote in it but a topic to write...
I am flaoting and a good feel inside but when i ask is it really a good feel i am in doubt. Coz i dont know what exactly is running inside my mind. This is a good feeling to carry inside.
What if you get everything u want in life and what if u didnt get anything u want in life?.. what makes more impact and what makes most of it in life?...
Its a very simple question to ask but a very difficult question to answer. what if?..
I am also in the same dilemma how to answer such a question to myself. i dont have a clear answer or view on this. But everything in life depends on those questions. Only difference is in people who take it in different ways.
We call people lucky when we saw them happy and living a king size life. We will say "Oh he is a lucky chap".. Is it the case only with those lucky chaps?. why we feel its not happening with everyone ?. I think its the feeling we all carry in life that we dont have enough which we expects to have in life.
Everyone have some or other things to keep ourself happy. Only thing is we need to utilize it in its proper format.
Lets take the day as minute and minute as second. Enjoy the moments in its pure form you will finally come to know that the lucky chap concept is not a distant part of ur life but its already there in u.
So that's all folks. If u didnt get anything from this topic u can surely say u wasted beautiful five minutes of ur life for a crap topic from me LOL...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
"Priority and life"
“Priority” the word means something to be considered or done as per the dictionary in my phone. I was wondering such a simple word but as complicated as it is.
What is the importance of the word priority in our life. May be the word is not that important but the meaning of that word in life is much more important. Yes priority is the one thing which drives us in life.
Each and every movement of us is due to the priorities we set. Most of the times its unconscious but many a times it’s a conscious effort only. I know many of you will not agree about what I am saying here. But this I felt when I started realizing the facts which is in and around my day to day life.
All happens coz of this priority set by each one of us. My priority is not your priority and when you expect something think before whether that can be the other person’s priority. When you find out after a cross check, you may find the answer and you will understand why there is only expectations and agony inside rather than the result you expected.
Few days back I was with my friend in Madurai, we had been there for our practical internal exams. It was a weekend and we were there on the info that the exam is on Sunday. Unfortunately they postponed the exam to Monday. He was from Chennai and I went from Cochin just for this internals. I asked him what next?. We were thinking what the best possible option we got in hand. And he said, Swaraj we are going back tonight and let’s leave this exam. I asked him why?. The answer was that’s not our first priority, we got a job in hand to be delivered on time and it wont happen if we are not going back tonight. And yes that was the exact reason we went back, the priority to finish the pending or planned work the next day rather than giving that internals. From that moment this word priority was there in my mind and the effect of it in decision making in our life.
I was thinking of this from many days, how priorities are set by us and how we are acting according to that. I was trying to find out what can be the reasons for many things which are not happening in favor of me. When I left my thoughts to wander I understood. When I am not the priority, how things can work in favor of me. The result will be only expectations and agony.
Understanding this fact is a bit hard coz we are human being with the so called emotions.
But my view is when you realize someone have you as priority, try giving back at least a certain percentage of the priority he/she expects. As the word meaning I mentioned in the beginning it is something to be considered if not done. It does hurts otherwise….
My priority for now was to scribble on this topic. I don’t know whether this got some meaning or whether it’s worth reading. But my blog, my time and my thoughts. Let it be this way..
See you again on some other topics which come to my mind…
Monday, August 3, 2009
Today is a New Day..

If that so…
Why we feel of yesterday,
Why we still feel missing…?
Why we carry the memories,
Why all the past still remains fresh…?
Why we not able to find new things,
Why we stick around with the old ones…?
Why no daily new friends,
Why we still wait for our old pals…?
Why we feel to go back to the school days,
Why we still feel those were the golden days…?
Why we still keep our slam books,
Why we smile when we read it again...?
Why we keep those college photos,
Why we search for those faces…?
Why we still think of our old crushes,
Why we feel happy that I was loved…?
Why we feel when we loose someone,
Why we still take time to recover…?
Why we carry the same hard feelings,
Why we still say life has to move on…?
Why all the elements around remains same,
Why the new change not coming here…?
Why we are thinking of all these,
Why we are unable to leave all this…?
We still say,
Today is a New Day….