Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Big Five years......

When I get this question inside I just went thru my entire five years of journey in corporate.

It was amazing and challenging.

When we attended the interviews in college and when they asked what you want to be after five years definitely I don’t had a clue that time.

But all went well in the last five years by God’s grace.

I started in Berger Paints along with my classmates and I don’t know if I missed someone here, if so sorry.

Amazing start with a bunch of experienced senior fellas in the office and never expected kind of job.

My career started as a Sales Representative and now a Regional Manager.

The journey got a lot of ups and downs but believed in the theory “Survival of the fittest” and it worked for me. Always tried to be the fittest to survive among competition.

A walkthrough as below,

Year 1 : Realization of the corporate world. MBA is not all about the white collar job If you are not an IIM

Year 2 : The break through. All new challenge. The lone warrior in the market

Year 3 : MBA paid back making me an Assistant Manager

Year 4 : Manager on a Regional role

Year 5 : Regional Manager – South & West

Year 6 : Journey continues……..

Dream big and sky is always the limit……

So guys where you find yourself after ten years?.

LOL that’s a funny question to answer now.

Forget the yesterdays

Live today at the moment

And tomorrow – Lets see when it is tomorrow..

Cheers my friends and all the best..!!!!!